Conversations with Colin: an interview with Professor Michael Wang

Professor Colin Espie wears many hats: Co-Founder of Big Health, Oxford University Professor of Sleep Medicine, and world-renowned clinical psychologist. With over 40 years of experience and upwards of 300 published clinical papers, Professor Espie’s superpower is taking complex mental health topics and distilling them in an engaging, empathetic storytelling-like style that anyone can understand. As we continue to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health is more complex than ever. In the Conversations with Colin series, the Professor will share his perspective on how the mental health crisis impacts us individually and globally and how we can take steps towards access to first-line mental health treatments for all. 

During this session, Colin interviews Professor Michael Wang, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Leicester and Founding Chair of the Association of Clinical Psychologists UK. The two discuss the current state of mental health and the challenges for clinical psychologists.