Give your patients instant access to treatments for insomnia and anxiety – no prescription required

Big Health's clinically proven, non-drug treatments for insomnia and anxiety are available free on the NHS in Scotland and parts of England, offering evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques without the need for in-person appointments.

What is Sleepio

NICE recommends Sleepio as an option for “treating insomnia and insomnia symptoms in primary care for people who would otherwise be offered sleep hygiene or sleeping pills”.

  • Sleepio is a free, NICE-recommended digital treatment for insomnia and poor sleep. Sleepio delivers cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia in 10 minute sessions over six weeks.
  • Patients can start Sleepio at a time that suits them at Sleepio is available to residents in Scotland and parts of England, at no cost to you or the patient, and no prescription is needed.
  • Sleepio is a CE-marked medical device indicated for use by adults aged 18 and over and is compliant with DTAC.

What is Daylight?

In the UK, 6 in 100 people – over 4 million – are diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder1 but less than 50% of those access treatment.2

  • Daylight is a clinically proven digital treatment that uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques to help people gain control over their anxiety.
  • After a few short questions, individuals receive techniques tailored to them, to help manage it.
  • Daylight is instantly accessible and ready to check in, practise, or try a new technique at

Until now, there has been a significant treatment gap in access to gold-standard therapy for mental health

We’re safe.
We are committed to developing gold standard clinical evidence to help patients get access to digital therapies that work. Explore our evidence base.
We’re trusted.
Sleepio has NICE accreditation and is GDPR and DTAC compliant, and Cyber Essentials and HITRUST certified.
We’re available instantly.
Our instant-access CBT programmes help primary care meet patient demand, improve outcomes, and save both money and clinician time.

How does it work?

Primary care organisations use Sleepio and Daylight to help the one in three patients they see with common mental health problems like insomnia and anxiety. Clinical and real-world evidence shows that Sleepio and Daylight are safe and effective without the need for a prescription or referral. Following either direct access or guided by a clinical or non-clinical healthcare professional, patients are able to instantly access treatment via their desktop computer or mobile device.

Hear from the patients, NHS staff,
and clinicians using Big Health treatments

Sleepio has been recognised by some of the nation’s leading authorities in digital health, mental health, and software innovation.

“I am delighted to be able to offer Sleepio for free to my patients – an effective digital tool with a robust clinical evidence base behind it. It’s a simple digital prescription, and it means that patients can access CBT in their own time and at their own pace.”

Dr. Ian Wood

General Practicioner

“It’s unbelievable! By week four the change was remarkable. I cannot believe I am sleeping well. I don’t feel like I am sleepwalking through life anymore. There is nothing more healing than sleep. Thank you Sleepio.”

Jill, Sleepio User


“We are pleased to launch these treatments nationwide, providing clinically validated solutions for those who need it most.”

Kevin Stewart

Mental Health and Social Care Minister, Scotland

1. McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. (eds.) (2016). Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult psychiatric morbidity survey 2014.
2. Lubian, K., Weich, S., Stansfeld, S., Bebbington, P., Brugha, T., Spiers, N., … & Cooper, C. (2016). Chapter 3: Mental health treatment and services. In S. McManus, P.
Bebbington, R. Jenkins, & T. Brugha (Eds.), Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital.