In partnership with

Our Partnership with Macmillan

Together we’re working to improve the quality of life of people living with and beyond cancer in the UK through instant access to mental health support, at no cost to them.

Clinically proven help for insomnia and anxiety, from the privacy of your own phone

Hearing the words “you have cancer” affects more than just your physical health. A cancer diagnosis can impact your mental health and quality of life.

Macmillan’s experience in supporting people living with cancer, and Big Health’s proven digital mental health care, are coming together to help newly-diagnosed people with cancer in need of emotional support.

The Big Health Macmillan Cancer Support partnership means that cancer patients throughout the UK can instantly access high quality mental health support.


People living with cancer say that poor sleep, worry, and anxiety impact their quality of life1.

The Big Health Macmillan Cancer Support partnership enables cancer patients to access safe and effective always-available digital solutions for insomnia and anxiety.

Day or night, at home or in hospital, Macmillan and Big Health can provide trusted mental health support, immediately accessible with no waiting lists.

Together, we are making clinically proven treatments for poor sleep and anxiety available for anyone living with and beyond cancer in the UK.

In Scotland, Daylight and Sleepio are made available to the whole population via the Scottish Government.

Access treatment


If you are living with and beyond cancer, simply select which treatment meets your needs and get started today.

Sleepio, for poor sleep and insomnia, addresses unique needs with a personalised programme, featuring sessions with step-by-step guidance through evidence-based techniques, available night or day. In a UK clinical trial, 76% of patients experienced improvement in their sleep2.

Start Sleepio today:

Daylight, for worry and anxiety, helps people gain control over their anxiety with personalised therapeutic content. It’s available when it’s needed the most, providing you with evidence based techniques to cope in the moment. In a clinical trial, 71% of patients experienced reductions in anxiety3.

Start Sleepio today:

About Macmillan
At Macmillan, we give people with cancer everything we’ve got. If you’re diagnosed, your worries are our worries. We will move mountains to help you live life as fully as you can. And we don’t stop there. We’re going all out to find ever better ways to help people with cancer, helping to bring forward the day when everyone gets life-transforming support from day one. We’ll do whatever it takes. For information, support or just someone to talk to, call 0808 808 00 00 or visit

About Big Health

Big Health’s mission is to help millions back to good mental health by providing safe and effective non-drug alternatives for the most common mental health conditions. Designed by leading clinical experts and backed by 13 RCTs, Sleepio™ for insomnia and Daylight™ for worry and anxiety are among the world’s most evidenced digital mental health solutions. Big Health’s digital therapeutics are trusted by leading health systems like the NHS.

1 Macmillan Cancer Support and Populus paper and online survey of 6905 people recently treated for, or diagnosed in the last 5 years with, cancer across the UK. Fieldwork July-September 2019
2 ‘Improvement in sleep’ defined as 80% or more of total time in bed being spent asleep at the end of the clinical trial. Espie, C. A., Kyle, S. D., Williams, C., Ong, J. C., Douglas, N. J., Hames, P., & Brown, J. S. (2012). A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of online cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia disorder delivered via an automated media-rich web application. Sleep, 35(6), 769-781.
3 Probable clinical diagnosis of anxiety defined as reporting levels of anxiety below the threshold for a clinical diagnosis of anxiety at a follow-up point 10 weeks after the start of treatment. Carl, J. R., Miller, C. B., Henry, A. L., Davis, M. L., Stott, R., Smits, J. A., … & Espie, C. A. (2020). Efficacy of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for moderate‐to‐severe symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 37(12), 1168-1178