Sleepio is a NICE recommended digital treatment for insomnia

Lasting recovery from insomnia that’s available anytime, anywhere – available free on the NHS in Scotland and parts of England.

CBT for insomnia –

Better nights are ahead

The NHS recommends that people with insomnia or poor sleep are first offered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for insomnia. Sleepio is the NICE-recommended digital treatment for insomnia and poor sleep. It’s available free on the NHS in Scotland and parts of England.

Through six weekly 10-minute sessions, you will learn different techniques to help you fall asleep faster, spend less time awake at night, and function better the next day.

How does cognitive behavioural
therapy for insomnia work?

Sleep Restriction
The most powerful way to increase your sleep drive and reset your sleep schedule.
Stimulus Control
Rebuild a healthy association between your bed and sleep.
Cognitive Tools
Manage the worries and thoughts that make it difficult to sleep.
Sleep Hygiene Review
Optimise your environment and habits for better sleep.

Start sleeping better in
three easy steps

1. Create your account at

2. Answer a few short questions about your sleep, and we’ll customise Sleepio for you!

3. Download the Sleepio app on Android and iOS devices to start treatment, or continue online

Meaningful, lasting results

Sleepio uses evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques to address your unique needs with a programme customised to you, featuring sessions with step-by-step guidance. It helps to quiet racing minds, reshape behaviours, and get better sleep.

Treatment tailored to you

Sleepio adjusts therapeutic content to your needs and offers additional tools and insights when needed.

Help at any time, day or night

Sleepio is an instantly accessible sleep app ready to check in, practise, or try a new technique when it’s needed most.

Progress tracking

Sleepio provides customized goal setting, a detailed sleep diary, and helps track progress over time.

What Sleepio users say

It’s unbelievable! By week four the change was remarkable. I cannot believe I am sleeping well.

Jill, Inverness


Sleepio has changed my life significantly for the better. I am more productive in all areas of my life.

Stuart, Angus


I feel energised and happier. I also have tactics and strategies to help if I slip backwards again or have a poor night’s sleep.

Helen, Paisley


Sleepio made me not panic about my sleep. I’m less moody now and sleeping much better.

Jenny, Aberdeen

Deputy Services Manager

Thanks to Sleepio I am now more active and able to cope with a very busy life. It’s been a complete game changer for me.

Sarah, Berkshire


Before Sleepio I used to lie awake for hours fidgeting about in bed – I was at my wit’s end. I am now getting 7 hours of sleep a night. You need to stick with it, but it does work!

Richard, Hampshire


Sleepio is the first-ever digital treatment to receive positive guidance from NICE

NICE have recommended Sleepio as an effective first-line digital treatment for insomnia, to be considered before the prescription of sleeping pills or sleep hygiene.2

1. Miller, C. B., Carl, J. R., Henry, A. L., Baker, L. (2020). A health economic evaluation of Sleepio at a Fortune 500 company. Retrieved from: